How to Write a Professional and Effective Instagram Bio?

If you are on your way to becoming a successful influencer on Instagram, one of the most popular Social Media applications, and you are using a corporate business account, what is written in your bio is as important as your posts. How to write a professional Instagram Bio instead of writing an ordinary and amateurish bio? Sahne Media editors have prepared it for you.

There is no need to discuss the impact of Instagram, the social platform where billions of active users around the world spend the most time. It is known to everyone that we need a username and a good profile photo that define us on our Instagram profile, which has now become our second identity. But rest assured, those written in your biography are just as important.

Instagram bio is the section that contains the most detailed information where people who visit your profile for the first time get an idea of ​​who you are. This area is very important even for standard and individual users. So how do we use this space professionally?

What Should We Pay Attention to for an Effective Instagram Bio?

1- Be sure to write down who you are or what you do

The first introductory sentence people will see about us in the Instagram bio should be exactly who we are, what we do and what is in this account, not cool or humorous words. You need to stand out from your competitors by clearly telling people what you offer.

2- Include Introductory Details

You don't have to describe yourself in one sentence. Details such as how long you have been doing this job and your references will increase your credibility. However, this does not mean that you fill your bio with unnecessary information. It is enough for a user you appeal to find the answers to their questions in your bio.

3-You can talk about your hobbies

Mention of hobbies, donations, aid or sponsored events can be announced in this area. Instagram bio is a form of modern public relations.

4- Make Your Corporate Language and Identity Feel

After deciding whether your corporate communication language will be serious or humorous, sincere or distant, make this language felt in your biography. You can be sure that this will even affect the direct messages and comments you receive.

5-You can prepare a special Hahstag for your own account

Thanks to the hashtag you prepared, which is a slogan that reflects your brand, you will be engraved in the minds of the users and you can follow the users' posts about you through this hashtag.

6-Don't hesitate to add new lines

When writing an Instagram bio, do not try to explain everything you have to say in a single paragraph. You can prepare an easier-to-read text by writing bullet points and adding new lines.

7-Link to Your Other Accounts or Website

One of the most useful aspects of the bio field is that we can definitely add links. We also have the chance to change the links that direct our followers to our website or other accounts over time.

8- Include Details About the Link You Added

People don't just click on a link if they're not sure what it is. Therefore, include descriptive sentences about what awaits them in this connection.

9-You Can Turn Your Instagram Bio into a Kind of Announcement Area

Even though we have a 150 character limit, we can leave some space in this area to make important announcements from time to time. Informative and up-to-date announcements that you prepare with short and clear sentences will be an important part of your communication strategy with your followers.

Sahne Media provides services such as consultancy and post preparation for many corporate business accounts. With this service we provide through our social media and digital marketing experts, graphic designers and copywriters, we contribute to many businesses writing success stories on social media. You can join us to meet Sahne Medya's professional social media consultancy and post preparation service. by clicking here You can contact us.

Stage Media

Stage Media

04-08-2021 09:02:35

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